Nuchem Goldrosen

nuchem goldrosenDate of Birth:  December 1, 1906

Nuchem Goldrosen was born in Podwolozcysk, Russia.  He was a foreign correspondent in Berlin, and then later, in the Netherlands.  He spoke nine languages.  His wife, Rosa, and two daughters, Sabine and Hadassah, lived in The Hague until the spring of 1942.

Nuchem and his family decided it would be best to flee to Switzerland.

They couldn’t go farther than Belgium, so they were forced to go into hiding.  Nuchem and his family hid in Belgium for almost two years.  But then he and his family were caught, arrested, and thrown into a jail in Brussels.

After remaining in the jail for six weeks, Nuchem and his wife were separated from their children and taken to a transit camp.  From there, they were taken to Auschwitz.  He was separated from his wife in December of 1944, and then taken to the Mauthausen in January of 1945.

Nuchem and his wife did not survive in the camps.  His daughter, Sabine, volunteers her time at the Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida to share her family’s story.

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